
The proceedings will be downloadable by attendees during the conference.

Monday 28th October 2024 Tuesday 29th October 2024 Wednesday 30th October 2024
08:30 Registration D1: Fostering Collaborative and Interoperable Digital Models for Digital Twins: Cases D2: Collaborative Manufacturing Systems in the Digital Era D3: CNs as Driver of Innovation in Organizations 5.0: Participation
09:00 Opening ceremony E1: Trust and Trustworthy Technologies in Collaborative Networks E2: Uncertainty and Collaboration in Supply Chain E3: Posters session
09:30 Keynote C. Maurin (GEODIS)
Data sharing for collaborative logistics
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Coffee Break Round table — Industry
11:00 A1: AI and Collaboration A2: Collaborative Ecosystems: Skills for Resilient Futures A3: CNs as Driver of Innovation in Organizations 5.0: Models Coffee Break
11:30 Keynote F. Bénaben (IMT)
Physics of Decision - A physics-inspired theoretical approach for complex systems performance modeling, visualization and management
12:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 B1: Fostering Collaborative and Interoperable Digital Models for Digital Twins: Models B2: Empowering Vulnerable Populations Well-being through CNs B3: Human-Machine Collaboration Keynote K. Blomqvist (LUT)
Leveraging trust and digitalization for dynamic collaboration in the VUCA world
F1: Design of Collaborative Environments F2: Collaborative Decision Making F3: Zero Defects and Zero Waste Strategies in Industrial Collaborative Networks
15:00 Round table — Academics
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 C1: Emotions and Collaborative Networks C2: Collaborative Ecosystems: Technologies for Resilient Futures C3: Simulation Frameworks Closing ceremony (+ awards)
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Projects forum
17:30 Free time: go to city center (hotels) with public transportation + walk to check-point for the social event
18:15 Old city center visit, Tapas dinner at Ô Vents d’Anges (old city center)
18:30 Bus transfer
Visit and Gala dinner at Château de Mauriac

Monday 28th October 2024

08:30 Registration

09:00 Opening session

09:30 Keynote 1: Data sharing for collaborative logistics

by Christophe Maurin
GEODIS, France

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Parallel sessions - A

A1: AI and Collaboration

Chair: TBD

Hybrid Collaborative Networks in Energy Ecosystems

Integrating AI in Supply Chain Management: Using a Socio-technical Chart to Navigate Unknown Transformations

Towards the Integration of Conversational Agents through a Social Media Platform to Enhance the Agility of BPM

A2: Collaborative Ecosystems: Skills for Resilient Futures

Organizers: Thomas Schuster, Eda Marchetti, José Barata, Sanaz Nikghadam-Hojjati

Design of a Collaborative Network for Mapping Digital Skills for Industry 5.0

Collaborative Ecosystems for Increasing Automation in Accounting Processes in Small Firms

The Innovation Challenge Bootcamp Model

A3: Collaborative Networks as Driver of Innovation in Organizations 5.0: Models

Organizers: Arkadiusz Jurczuk, Thomas Süße, Adrian Florea, Fabiana Pirola

Utilizing Natural Language Processing for Enhancing Collaborative Value-Driven Design of Smart Product Service System: Smart E-Vehicle Application

Leveraging Collaboration for Industry 5.0: Needs, Strategies and Future Directions

Towards A Conceptual Model for Enhancing Efficiency and Collaboration in Agile Ramp-Up Projects Planning

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Parallel sessions - B

B1: Fostering Collaborative and Interoperable Digital Models for Digital Twins: Models

Organizers: Aurélie Congès, Sina Namaki Araghi

Requirements derived from Digitalization Patterns

Software Testing Approach for Digital Twin Verification and Validation

DMFDT: Data Management Framework for Digital Twin

B2: Empowering Vulnerable Populations Well-being through Collaborative Networks

Organizers: Ana Inês Oliveira, Filipa Ferrada, Patricia Macedo

Closing the Gap: Leveraging Mass Collaboration to Support People with Disability

Integrating Social Interaction within Senselife Framework

Collaborative Communication and Monitoring Ecosystem for Elderly Care

B3: Human-Machine Collaboration

Chair: TBD

Human and Machine Complementary Roles in Collaborative Evaluation of Creative Speech

Continual Learning for Human-Machine Collaboration in VUCA Environments

Associations Between Gender Attributions and Social Perception of Humanoid Robots

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Parallel sessions - C

C1: Emotions and Collaborative Networks

Chair: TBD

Emotions in Human-AI Collaboration

Do There Exist an Emotion Trend in Scientific Papers? PRO-VE Conference as a Case

Integrating Perception and Systemic Theories in Collaborative Networks - Enhancing Adaptability and Resilience in a Nonlinear World

C2: Collaborative Ecosystems: Technologies for Resilient Futures

Organizers: Thomas Schuster, Eda Marchetti, José Barata, Sanaz Nikghadam-Hojjati

Evaluating Privacy Patterns within Collaborative Frameworks for AI Ecosystem Development

Towards a Reference Architecture for Collaborative Decision Support Systems for Natural Disasters Management

Asset Administration Shell Approach for Modular and Configurable Internet of Things Devices

C3: Simulation Frameworks

Chairs: TBD

Simulation-Based Framework for Assessing Synchromodal Transportation Solutions in Low-Density Ecosystems

Simulation-based Learning for Agri-food Industry: A Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis

CitySIM - Agent-Based System for Modelling and Simulating Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems for Collaborative Governance

17:30 Free time

go to city center (hotels) with public transportation + walk to check-point for the social event.

18:15 Old city center visit and tapas dinner

22:30 End

Tuesday 29th October 2024

08:30 Parallel sessions - D

D1: Fostering Collaborative and Interoperable Digital Models for Digital Twins: Cases

Organizers: Aurélie Congès, Sina Namaki Araghi

Contributions of Digital Twins Services to the Implementation of the Circular Economy

Digital Twin for Sustainable Systems Methodology: Application in Water Network Management

Bidirectional Integration of Digital Product Passports into Information Systems of Production Planning and Control

D2: Collaborative Manufacturing Systems in the Digital Era

Organizers: Ege Duran, Cemalettin Ozturk, Barry O’Sullivan

Exact and Heuristic Methods for Planning and Scheduling Collaborative Manufacturing Systems

Design and Development of a Marketplace-based Collaborative Ecosystem for Software Integration and Distribution within Manufacturing

Who Controls the Physical Internet? A Review of Protocols and Algorithms

D3: Collaborative Networks as Driver of Innovation in Organizations 5.0: Participation

Organizers: Arkadiusz Jurczuk, Thomas Süße, Adrian Florea, Fabiana Pirola

Participation as Fuel for Transformation - An Approach to the Interrelations between Digitalization, Participation and Values in NPOs

Digital Leadership from the Perspective of Organization 5.0: An Analysis of Key Action Fields towards Green, Resilient, and Human-centered Digitalization

Skills, Technical and Organizational Support Needed for Collaborative Networks 5.0

10:00 Coffee break

10:30 Round Table: Industry


12:30 Lunch

14:00 Keynote 2: Leveraging trust and digitalization for dynamic collaboration in the VUCA world

by Kirsimarja Blomqvist
LUT Business School, Finland

15:00 Round Table: Academic


16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Projects Forum

Chair: Raphaël Oger

Virtual Exchange for Collaborative Learning (VE-Collab)

TBDK (Toolbox Datenkompetenz | Toolbox Data Literacy)

Greensmartmed project

RAMP-UP II – Supporting agile ramp-up and ramp-down in service and manufacturing industries

Flexibilization of complex Ecosystems using Democratic AI based Decision Support and Recommendation Systems at Work

Change2Twin – Create and Harvest Offerings to support Manufacturing SMEs to become Digital Twin Champions

CoDEMO 5.0: Co-Creative Decision Makers for 5.0 Organizations

18:30 Bus transfer

19:00 Visit and gala dinner - Château de Mauriac

22:30 End

Wednesday 30th October 2024

09:00 Parallel sessions - E

E1: Trust and Trustworthy Technologies in Collaborative Networks

Organizers: Bernd-Friedrich Voigt, Thomas Schlösser, Stefan Lier

Navigating Trust: A Morphological Analysis of Blockchain-as-a-Service Providers

AI-Enhanced QOC-Analysis: A Framework for Transparent and Insightful Decision-Making

Sovereign Citizen on Digital Regulated Services Ecosystem

Personal Data Sovereignty in Virtual Enterprises: Implementing Data Capsules for Enhanced Privacy and Compliance

E2: Uncertainty and Collaboration in Supply Chain

Chairs: TBD

Integrating Uncertainty into a Supply Chain Network for Adaptive S&OP Process

How Best Practices of SCOR DS Model Support Short Supply Chains Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

Bibliometric Analysis of Immersive Technologies in Supply Chain Strategy: Knowledge-Based Systems Case

Impact of a Set of Factors on Order Lead Time: A Case Study of an Apparel Company

E3: Posters session

Chair: TBD

Emotional Reactions to Untrustworthiness and Withheld Trust Dependent on Relative Performance-based Status within Teams

Bridging the Gap in Access to Health and Care Services for Vulnerable Populations: The E-Help Approach

Towards Adaptive and Collaborative Framework: Application to Crisis Management and Project Portfolio Contexts

A Participative, Inclusive and Collaborative Approach for 5.0 Organizational Transformation

Advancing Collaborative Situational Awareness: Introducing a Territory Digital Twin for Improved Shared Understanding and Collaboration

Digitalization - Consortium for Advanced Management International CAM-I

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Keynote 3: Physics of Decision - A physics-inspired theoretical approach for complex systems performance modeling, visualization and management

by Frederick Benaben
IMT Mines Albi, France

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Parallel sessions - F

F1: Design of Collaborative Environments

Chairs: TBD

Canvas as Tools for Digital Platform Design: Analysis, Comparison & Evolution

A Study of the Impact of Organisational Territoriality on Collaborative Networks: A Case of Project Reservation in State Grid

Cell Zooming in LTE-R as a Potential Game

Social Dimension of a Sovereign Digital Citizenship: the SCOD Framework

F2: Collaborative Decision Making

Chairs: TBD

Managing Risks in Collaborative Network Organizations within Sales and Operations Planning: A Maturity Model

Collaborative Multi-Criteria Decision-Making: Evaluation of Design Scenarios for PSS Heating Systems

A Proposal for Automatic Demand Forecast Model Selection

Value Systems for the Parallel Implementation of Value-Retention Circular Strategies in the White Goods Industry

F3: Zero Defects and Zero Waste Strategies in Industrial Collaborative Networks

Organizers: Francisco Fraile, Lario Femenia Joan

Human-Centered Solutions based on Automated Visual Inspection System

Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Companies for Achieving Zero Waste – A Systematic Literature Review

Smart Master Production Scheduling by Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Exploratory Analysis

A Methodology for Designing a Decision Support System for Hyperconnected Circular Supply Chain Network Design

16:00 Closing session and Awards

16:30 End



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