

All conference participants must pay the registration fee. The table below shows the possible registration options.

Please be aware that, for each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must pay the full registration fee in order for the paper to be included in the conference proceedings and scheduled in the conference program.

The full registration fees (members or not members of IFIP or SOCOLNET) include access to all conference sessions and keynote lectures, the coffee breaks and lunches, the conference bag and badge, the conference proceedings, and participation to the banquet and social events.

For student fees and industrial sponsor fees, the banquet and social events participation is not included. Additional banquet and social events tickets can be taken.

No refunds will be made for canceled registrations, regardless of the reasons for cancellation.

(until 2 September 2024)
Regular Details
IFIP or SOCOLNET member * 660.00 € 720.00 € Access to all conference sessions and keynote lectures, the coffee breaks and lunches, the conference bag and badge, the conference proceedings and participation to the banquet and social events.
Not member
(not IFIP and not SOCOLNET member)
720.00 € 780.00 € Access to all conference sessions and keynote lectures, the coffee breaks and lunches, the conference bag and badge, the conference proceedings and participation to the banquet and social events.
Student *
(social events not included)
210.00 € 260.00 € Access to all conference sessions and keynote lectures, the coffee breaks and lunches, the conference bag and badge.
Industrial sponsor *
(one day only, social events not included)
260.00 € 260.00 € Access to conference sessions and keynote lecture, the coffee breaks and lunches, the conference bag and badge during one day.
Additional Social Events Ticket
(not available after Oct. 17, 2024)
100.00 € 100.00 € Participation to the banquet and social events.
* These fees will only be granted upon presentation of supporting documents.

Registration site

Registrations are managed by our partner Carte Blanche. For any questions related to the registration and payment process, send an email to

To register, each participant and only the participant must create an account on the registration site below. Last name, surname and email adress will be used for communication about the conference and the registration details. For security reasons, surname and last name of each accompanying person is required.



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