
Monday 28th October 2024 — 09:30
Tuesday 29th October 2024 — 14:00
Wednesday 30th October 2024 — 11:30
Christophe Maurin
Kirsimarja Blomqvist
Frederick Benaben
IT Customer solution manager, GEODIS, France
PhD, Professor in Knowledge Management, LUT Business School, Finland
Professor at IMT Mines Albi, France, Adjunct Professor at Georgia Tech, USA, Adjunct Professor at Beijing JiaoTong University, China
Data sharing for collaborative logistics
Leveraging trust and digitalization for dynamic collaboration in the VUCA world
Physics of Decision - A physics-inspired theoretical approach for complex systems performance modeling, visualization and management

He will talk about the complexity to organize collaborative digitalization in a very fragmented environment. Sustainability and industry efficiency, depend on the improvement of the collaboration between the stakeholders processing logistics chains. In large and fragmented communities like Logistics, are standardization, common language and trust, key foundations for digital collaboration, process optimization, AI usage, Physical Internet…?

In her keynote she talks about the opportunities that advanced digital collaboration technologies provide for the sustainable future of work and organizing. She believes that many of the complex organizational problems and wicked societal problems can be solved, if we are able to build trust, and organize dispersed expertise efficiently and effectively across time and space. She shares practical case examples of organizing and leading Fast Expert Teams, a digital form of organizing expertise in temporary digital communities and teams, she has been developing together with her research group.

In a world where instability is the norm, this presentation focuses on an approach inspired by the paradigms of physics to represent the performance of systems, systems of systems or networks of systems as trajectories. The risks and opportunities that surround these systems, whether (partially or totally) manageable or inflicted, can then be modeled as physical forces that can impact this trajectory (deviate it, accelerate it, slow it down, etc.).

This conceptual metaphor is presented in three stages. First, a theoretical presentation of the concepts and associated mechanisms, then the benefits in terms of visualization, and finally, the exploitation perspectives and benefits associated with the use of this approach.

Christophe Maurin, based in Île-de-France, France, is currently a IT Customer solution manager at GEODIS. Christophe Maurin brings experience from previous roles at Geodis BM and Capgemini, with a robust skill set that includes Change Management, Management, Transport and more.

Kirsimarja Blomqvist (PhD, Professor in Knowledge Management, LUT Business School, Finland) is an expert in trust, knowledge management, and collaboration. She has published over 200 research papers on her research topics in journals, books, and peer-reviewed conferences. She has worked previously in the industry in large and small tech firms and continues engaged in scholarship at academia. She participates actively in academic conferences, speaks regularly to management about her research topics, and serves on boards. She enjoys traveling and nature in her free time, especially hiking and cross-country skiing.

Frederick BENABEN is Professor MT Mines Albi Centre Génie Industriel. He is the head of the “Security and Crisis Management” research team. He is adjunct Professor at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) where he is the co-director of the SIReN Lab. He is in charge of several long terms research common laboratories with industrial partners (AIRBUS, DASSAULT SYSTEMES, EPSI, SCALIAN).

His research works focus on data management, through model-driven engineering for decision support. He stands at the crossroads of industrial engineering, information systems, decision support, and artificial intelligence applied to crisis management, supply chain management, and risk management.

Previous Invited Keynote Speakers

PRO-VE 2023
Prof. Jan Olhager
Lund University, Sweden
Javier Orozco
European Commission
Prof. Sergio Terzi
Politecnico de Milano, Italy
PRO-VE 2022
Dimitris Kyritsis
EPFL, Switzerland
Massimiliano Luca Dragoni
European Commission
Salvatore Ammirato
University of Calabria, Italy
PRO-VE 2021
Prof. Dmitry Ivanov
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
Prof. Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes
University of Derby, GB, UK
Jean-Luc Garnier
Thales Group, France
PRO-VE 2020
Dr. David E Hawkins
Institute for Collaborative Working, Spain
Dr. Alfons Cornella
Institute of Next and Infonomia, Spain
Dr. Joaquin Soriano
Quality Clarios EMEA, Spain
PRO-VE 2019
Prof. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
University of Bremen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Paulo Leitão
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
PRO-VE 2018
Dr. Hans Schaffers
Radboud University and Adventure Research, Netherlands
Prof. Volker Stich
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Prof. Americo Azevedo
University of Porto, Portugal
PRO-VE 2017
Prof. Robert Meijer
University of Amsterdam and TNO, Netherlands
Prof. Torben Bach Pedersen
Aalborg University, Denmark
PRO-VE 2016
Dr. Paul Smart
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Kathleen M. Carley
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
PRO-VE 2015
Prof. François Charoy
University of Lorraine, France
Prof. Bernard Grabot
National Engineering School of Tarbes, France
Prof. Jose Julio Gonzales
University of Agder & Gjovik University College, Norway
PRO-VE 2014
Assoc. Prof. Mehdi Dastani
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Dr. Erastos Filos
European Commission, Belgium
Prof. John Fitzgerald
Newcastle University, UK
PRO-VE 2013
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Westkämper
IPA Fraunhofer, Germany
Prof. Dr. Noshir Contractor
Northwestern University, USA
PRO-VE 2012
Dr. Kyrill Meyer
University Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Rob Dekkers
University of West of Scotland, UK
PRO-VE 2011
Dr. Wilfried Elmenreich
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
PRO-VE 2010
Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto
University of Ulster at Jordanstown, UK
Prof. Benoit Montreuil
Laval University, Canada
PRO-VE 2009
Prof. Wil van der Aalst
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Dr. Theologos Athanaselis
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Dr. Stylianos Hatzipanagos
King's College London, UK
PRO-VE 2008
Prof. Wouter Los
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Krzysztof Zielinski
AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland
PRO-VE 2007
Dr. Rainer Ruggaber
SAP, Germany
Prof. Luís M. Camarinha-Matos
Nova University of Lisbon / Uninova, Portugal
Dr. Erastos Filos
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2006
Prof. Simon Jones
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PRO-VE 2005
Prof. Shimon Y. Nof
Purdue University, USA
PRO-VE 2004
Dr. Arian Zwegers
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2003
Prof. Max von Zedtwitz
Tsinghua University, China
Dr. Isidro Laso
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2002
Dr. Jesus Villasante
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2000
Dr. Ted Goranson
Sirius-Beta, USA
Hermano Cintra
Neomarkets, Brazil
Dr. Erastos Filosz
European Commission, Belgium
Dr. Marina Manzoni
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 1999
Dr. Erastos Filo
European Commission, Belgium



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