
Location and attractiveness

Albi is a city of South West France (50.000 inhabitants). It is the “prefecture” (capital city in terms of local authority) of the Tarn county. It is located on the Tarn river, 75 km North East of Toulouse. Its inhabitants are called Albigensians (or in French: Albigeois, Albigeoises). The episcopal city, located in the heart of the city, around the cathedral, has become part of the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2010. Albi has a lot to show, both as a medieval city with its historical city center and from a cultural point of view (Toulouse Lautrec Museum, Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, etc.).

Logistic aspects

Toulouse international airport (Blagnac) is 80 km away from École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux (Full Freeway).


Albi is very popular with tourists, so please make sure that your hotel is booked early enough.

A wide range of hotels is available in Albi. Please find below the list of hotels the Organizing Committee recommends you.

Indicative rates for a double room, one night, breakfast included:

€70.00 < €€ €90.00 < €€€ €110.00 < €€€€

Guest Houses

Indicative rates for a double room, one night, breakfast included:

€70.00 < €€ €90.00 < €€€ €110.00 < €€€€
  • Villa Mandarine €€€

    31 rue des Jardins
    81000 Albi

    Teyssier (Bus Line R: Teyssier ⇒ École des Mines)

  • La Tour Sainte Cécile €€€€

    14 bis rue Sainte Cécile
    81000 Albi

    Hôpital or Jean Jaurès (Bus Line R: Jean Jaurès ⇒ École des Mines)

Other Relevant Elements - Conference Facilities

On the 22 hectares of the École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux campus, we can find:

  • One single building with all the required facilities on the spot.
  • A restaurant with a total capacity of 500 seats.
  • Three car parks for a total of 300 parking spaces.



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