Navigating Unpredictability: Collaborative Networks in Non-linear Worlds

The present course of our 'non-linear world' highlights the profound unpredictability in modern environments, economies, and societies. The intricacies of our economic and industrial dynamics are interwoven with various dimensions, including political, sociological, and ecological crises, resulting in continuous periods of unpredictable fluctuations reflected in the VUCA acronym (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous). This unpredictability challenges conventional linear models of systems control and management. To tackle these systemic dynamics, the concept of 'navigation' metaphorically represents novel approaches to designing and managing organizations and ecosystems. Successful navigation requires a delicate balance between establishing clear and stable directions for our collective journey and embracing strong adaptability to carve effective paths into the future.

This needed approach thrives on adaptability, nurtures innovative thinking, and relies on interconnected relationships among the key stakeholders of our ecosystems. The 25 years of scientific background developed by PRO-VE in designing and managing collaborative networks stand as a key response to non-linear challenges. Collaboration becomes the linchpin for fostering resilience, embracing change, implementing agile management, and working at the convergence and synergy between quantitative and qualitative management approaches, as well as between engineering and socio-human sciences, addressing the multifaceted challenges of our ever-evolving world.

PRO-VE 2024 is a forum for sharing and discussing current developments and experiences regarding the role of collaborative networks in managing non-linear Ecosystems and Societies. Contributions are invited from multiple and diverse disciplines such as Engineering, Managerial and Socio-Human sciences: industrial engineering, computer science, manufacturing, organization science, logistics, management, and social sciences, among others.


  • AI and digital transformation for collaborative systems
  • Distributed cognition in agile and resilient collaborative systems
  • Collaboration in untrustworthy environments
  • Collaborative cognitive cyber-physical systems
  • Agile design and management of collaborative networks
  • Smartness and adaptability of collaborative logistics and transportation networks
  • Human-machine collaboration for agile processes
  • Society 5.0 and collaborative networks
  • Complex hybridization of collaboration – organizations, people, machines, intelligent systems
  • Resilience, sustainability, and antifragility of networked organizations
  • Digital twins for adaptable collaborative networks
  • Ethics, security, and trust in a changing world
  • Collaborative risk and crisis management
  • VUCA management in collaborative networks
  • CN applications and case studies in multiple fields

Special Sessions

Important dates

1 Mar. 2024
Special session proposal
31 Mar. 2024
Call for Project Showcases
12 Apr. 2024 Now
Abstract submission (optional)
10 May 2024 31 May 2024
Full paper submission
21 Jun. 2024 3 Jul. 2024
Results notification
5 Jul. 2024 12 Jul. 2024
Camera ready
28-30 Oct. 2024



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